Best Tampa Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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For years now, our motorcycle accident team in Tampa has been protecting the injured. Having their experience on our side is helpful for the families of motorcycle injury victims. Their goal is always to uncover the case facts and protect your legal interests. There are questions our motorcycle accident attorneys know how to ask, and we know where to look for the answers. A motorcycle accident may also be the fault of less obvious parties. Construction companies may be liable for collisions due to road design or maintenance. The auto industry and some motorcycle manufacturers can also be held vicariously liable in a product liability case when the motorcycle accident may have occurred because of a manufacturing or design defect. The accident might have occurred because of either a defect in your motorcycle or a defect in the vehicle that hit you. A car's brakes may have failed, causing the driver to rear-end you as a result. The motorcycle may have malfunctioned and collided. In the case of these circumstances, it was not negligence of the driver, but rather a defective component, part, or a defective product design that may have caused the accident. Depending on your situation, you might be able to file a personal injury claim against the automaker, motorcycle manufacturer, or manufacturer of the defective part. As soon as we are hired to represent you, our Tampa motorcycle accident lawyers begin an investigation to determine the best course of action. To help prove your cases in court, our attorneys employ experienced investigators and only rely on the most qualified experts in accident reconstruction, engineering, and medicine. In the second, but important step, our motorcycle accident lawyers will determine who is at fault. A thorough investigation will be conducted to determine what happened and who was responsible. The party responsible for compensating you may not be that driver. One example of this is when you or a loved one have been injured by a worker who was working when the accident occurred. Employees who cause an accident while on duty may be liable for their actions if their employer is negligent. -Tampa Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Tampa?

Tampa motorcycle accident lawyer Most motorcycle accidents are caused by some level of negligence, carelessness, or recklessness. These include the following: inattentive drivers, distracted drivers such as texting, speeding, not obeying traffic signals, or simply failing to yield to people in traffic. Tourist businesses that rent motorbikes to tourists may also be responsible.

Hiring an experienced attorney following a motorcycle accident is important because he or she can conduct an in-depth evaluation of the circumstances of the incident. We will collect evidence from various sources to determine what led to your accident. Motorcycle accidents are often caused by:

It is not always possible for drivers to see and avoid motorcycles. Many drivers do not signal before turning right into the path of a motorcyclist. In reality, the driver ends up swerving right into a motorcycle while thinking the coast is clear. As a result, the motorcyclist cannot slow down to avoid a collision. Motorcycle crashes of this type are common in Tampa.

A motorcycle isn't as stable as other vehicles. As a result, turning fast or sharply can be dangerous. Motorcycle accidents often occur when riders attempt an unsafe turn. A motorcycle driver can lose control and skid, causing a crash.

It is incredibly common for accidents to occur at intersections. A third of all auto accidents happen around intersections. Especially when a motorcycle is struck from behind, this can be particularly dangerous. Motorcyclists who are hit from behind by negligent drivers, distracted drivers, or drivers simply hurrying through an intersection can cause serious injury.

Across Tampa, fatal motorcycle accidents are primarily caused by head-on collisions. Motorcyclists and drivers tend to get into this type of accident when they try to make blind corner turns. Blind turns are defined as situations where the rider or driver doesn't see what is around the corner. The chances of a driver hitting a vehicle or striking an object increase significantly when they cannot see ahead.

What to do if Injured in a Motorcycle Accident

Following a motorcycle accident you have been involved in can aid in ensuring your safety, shielding yourself from liability, and adequately supporting your claim.

Our Motorbike Accident Attorneys Help Motorcyclists and their Families Recover Financially

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